Explore local statistics

Find, compare and visualise statistics about places in the United Kingdom.

You can also start from England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

Other sources of local statistics

Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland also have their own producers of official statistics.

About these pages

These pages are part of the Explore Subnational Statistics (ESS) service.

The vision for the ESS service was launched in the GSS subnational data strategy, which provides a framework to guide the UK Government Statistical Service (GSS) in producing and disseminating subnational statistics in a more timely, granular and harmonised way.

The ESS service aims to provide one place for users to find, visualise, compare and download subnational statistics by standardised geographies and customer-defined areas.

Quality and Methodology Information for the Explore Local Statistics service details the strengths and limitations of the service, methods used, data uses and users.