Worsley Mesnes and Hawkley E02001306

Middle layer super output area in Wigan

Also known as Wigan 020

Explore statistics about Worsley Mesnes and Hawkley

Census maps

View Census 2021 data for Worsley Mesnes and Hawkley on a map.

Custom profiles

Build a custom area profile for Worsley Mesnes and Hawkley using Census 2021 data.

Local indicators

See how Wigan compares to the rest of the UK across a variety of measures.

Housing prices

See how average house prices and rents are changing in Wigan

Changes over time

Read how Wigan has changed since the 2011 Census.

Area profiles

View Census 2021 data tables for Wigan on Nomis, an ONS service (external).

Mortgage calculator

See how average house prices and changing interest rates affecting monthly mortgage repayments in Wigan.

Census quiz

Take our quiz and test your knowledge of Wigan.

Health index

See how Wigan compares to the rest of England on different health measures.

Income deprivation

Explore income deprivation in Wigan at a neighbourhood level.